Before purchasing, you may wish to double-check whether you belong to an institution which has CUGH membership:

If your institution is on that list, you are an institution-affiliated member and should not purchase individual membership. Additionally, those with US government email addresses, including NIH, CDC and USAID do not need to purchase individual membership.

If multiple individuals at your organization are interested in accessing CUGH member benefits, we strongly recommend that the organization join CUGH as an institutional member rather than having several individuals purchase separate individual memberships. This is both more economical and more convenient for your organization. If you have questions or concerns about institutional versus individual membership, please contact


The pricing below is for one year of individual membership. Income classifications are determined by the World Bank.

Income ClassificationPrice (USD)
High Income Country$75
Upper Middle Income Country$50
Lower Middle Income Country$25
Low Income Country$10

Income ClassificationPrice (USD)
High Income Country$30
Upper Middle Income Country$20
Lower Middle Income Country$10
Low Income Country$5

Purchase Your Membership Now

Complete the form below to purchase your individual membership.