General resources
- The Planetary Health Case Studies from the Planetary Health Alliance provide an opportunity for learners and educators to effectively connect theory with practice and broad knowledge with local realities.
- Indoor Air Pollution Training Materials includes presentations from faculty experts in academia, nongovernmental organizations, NIH and other government agencies discussing cookstoves and emissions testing to about 20 trainee scientists from the U.S. and seven developing countries.
Free online courses
- Bureau for Global Health Environmental Management Process Training is an introduction to the GH Bureau Operating Procedure for Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) process and a roadmap for how to plan and implement health programs consistent with the Agency’s legal requirements according to 22 CFR 216 and ADS 204.
- Climate Change and Health is a competency-based introduction to Climate Change and Health. Provides the knowledge (through online didactics) and skills (through peer and mentored interactions) needed to understand how climate change affects public health and discuss adaptation and mitigation strategies.
- Environmental Health is a competency-based introduction to Environmental Health. Provides the knowledge (through online didactics) and skills (through peer and mentored interactions) needed for graduate students in public health or medicine.
- The Science and Practice of Sustainable Development provides an introduction to the key concepts of sustainability, and how to apply those to sustainable development practice.
- The Health Effects of Climate Change discusses global warming impacts of human health, and the ways we can diminish those impacts. (2020) Harvard University EdX, a non-profit, relies on verified certificates to help fund free education for everyone globally.
- The Pan American Climate Resilient Health Systems Course focuses on the relationship between health systems and climate change. Health systems are on the frontlines of climate change, bearing the costs of increasing disease burdens and more frequent extreme weather events while simultaneously inadvertently contributing to negative environmental and climate-related impacts.