A Google search on 26 January 2015 using the term “global health” generated ~18 million hits. Statistical humor aside, and though we can’t claim to have checked them all, these awesome numbers have been reduced to >180 sites considered relevant to trainees in the health and many other disciplines interested in global health (GH).
Inclusion of a site in this list does not imply endorsement by the Consortium of Universities for Global Health or by CUGH’s Trainee Advisory Committee, which took the lead in updating a website list originally prepared by the Global Health Education Consortium. Special thanks for this update to Allison Eavey James, Jay Miller, Will Perez and Lisa Simon, past members of the CUGH’s Trainee Advisory Committee.
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Sites are grouped into the below categories for ease of use and many have links to yet additional GH-related organizations and activities. Happy surfing the net and any suggested additions, corrections, and deletions will be welcome. Please send them to info@cugh.org.
- NLM resource page for Biomedical Literature Resources for Libraries Outside the U.S. (including HINARI) allows you to search for a library that provides document delivery service to your country via Loansome Doc
- 1st World Sepsis Congress Talks – Podcasts
- 1st World Sepsis Congress Talks – Videos
- Alertnet Foundation alerts humanitarians to emergencies.
- AllAfrica — Provides a conduit of information on African issues and affairs not just health care related.
- Canadian Association for Global Health has developed a Funding Road Map for Global Health Research. The Road Map contains summary information about funding sources for global health projects, including eligibility criteria, application procedures and contact information. Over 50 funding opportunities are listed, but you must register as a member to gain access.
- Centers for Disease Control Travel Information: Sections include: Reference Material (a wealth of information about diseases, locations, specific precautions); Disease Outbreaks; Additional Information; Geographic Health Recommendations.
- Center for Global Development: This group features lots of independent research on issues of climate change, debt relief, education, food and agriculture, economic growth and aid effectiveness by leaders in health and economics.
- Center for Reproductive Law and Policy provides detailed information about world abortion laws.
- CSIS: Take as Directed Podcasts highlights important news, events, issues, and perspectives in global health policy, particularly in infectious disease, health security, and maternal, newborn, and child health.
- Cuba – Medical Education Cooperation with Cuba (MEDICC), founded in 1997 to bridge U.S. and Cuban medical communities, publishes MEDICC Review, a monthly online source in English of Cuban medical research and health news. MEDICC sponsored student field placements in the past and if travel restrictions ease, may do so again.
- Demographic and Health Surveys, a government source for detailed surveys of many countries
- Dev-Zone is an Aotearoa New Zealand non-governmental resource centre on a wide range of international development and global issues.
- Eldis is an organization run by the Institute of Development at Sussex University in the U.K. It is core-funded by SIDA, Norad, SDC, and DFID. Also lists latest global job vacancies and opportunities.
- Gapminder provides an extraordinary resource for visualizing changes over time in population characteristics, income, health status and much more. Link also through this site to see Hans Rosling’s informative and amusing TED talks, now up to seven and counting.
- GenderStats, a World Bank compilation of gender-related statistics data.
- Global Guidelines on the Prevention of Surgical Site Infection includes a list of 29 concrete recommendations distilled by 20 of the world’s leading experts from 26 reviews of the latest evidence.
- Global Issues: social, political, economic and environmental issues that affect everyone.
- Global Gazetteer provides location, altitude (useful for assessing malaria risk) and much more information on virtually all locations in the world.
- Global Health Hub aims to provide an online gateway to news, commentary and resources related to global health for public health professionals.
- Global Vigilance, and Funds, Needed to Prevent Pandemics dives into outbreak warning systems and the dangers of defunding them.
- HEAL (Health and Ecosystems: Analysis of Linkages), aimed at increasing support for integrated public health and environmental conservation initiatives as intimately related, interdependent challenges.
- Health Economics, a professional’s guide to resources and featured stories from around the world.
- Hesperian Foundation publishes low cost, practical books (eg, “Where there is no doctor,” / dentist / midwife, etc.) for use in all aspects of GH practice at the community level.
- HIFA (Healthcare Information For All), is a global social movement to improve the availability and use of healthcare information in low- and middle-income countries.
- International Development Research
- International Health Economics Association
- mHealth Training Materials is a one-time, short-term, scenario-based training promoted multidisciplinary research, implementation science and novel research methodologies to a cohort of researchers from diverse fields who are helping to lay the groundwork for future mHealth research projects and begin to build the evidence base for impactful technologies.
- The Nursing Education Program Initiative
- Nature Rx is a grassroots movement dedicated to entertaining and informing people about the healing and humorous aspects of nature
- Partners Infectious Disease Images is a eMicrobes digital library.
- Thomas Reuters Foundation: global news and information provider. Independent journalism re: human right, women’s empowerment and international law with focus on under reported stories around the world. — trust.org
- Global Health: Science and Practice is a is a no-fee, open access, peer-reviewed online journal aimed to improve health practice, especially in low- and middle-income countries. Its goal is to reach those who design, implement, manage, evaluate, and otherwise support health programs.
- GH Journal Search is an easy-to-use free resource developed by the Johns Hopkins Knowledge for Health (K4Health) Project in collaboration with CUGH. It is an easy to use site that aggregates many peer reviewed journals that deal primarily with global/international health and and have something of a broad international audience.
- Globalization and Health
- Social Medicine Portal is a doorway to information about and opportunities in social medicine globally, including international health volunteering and scholarly work
- Library of Congress Country Studies provides detailed information on many countries. The site has an impressive search engine that can search across the data base for any combination of words, ranks hits in order of closeness to your search terms, and provides links to desired text.
- Medact is the UK member of Int’l Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War. Besides anti-war activities MedAct has projects on the environment, economics and health, and with refugees in Palestine, Israel and Iraq. Medact has developed a global curriculum textbook (147 pp. with extensive documentation and tables) that is now online along with a supplement on globalization.
- National Geographic Map Maker makes it possible to generate maps of all sorts, political, geographic, demographic, etc.
- Nation Master provides easy access to much statistical data and map creation
- OneWorld: This web site was founded with the aim of using free-media and press to curb poverty and human rights injustices.
- Population Council, with information on population policy issues and research information
- Population Pyramid provides access to population pyramids for any country. Has a world population counter.
- Population Reference Bureau provides detailed world and country specific population information, including downloadable PowerPoint presentations
- Relief Web (with information & links relevant to humanitarian crises)
- Supercourse in Epidemiology, the Internet and Global Health (at U of Pittsburgh) —Site offers more than 2000 online PowerPoint lectures authored by >1000 faculty, and grouped into categories, a rich source of materials and ideas.
- Teaching Aids at Low Cost (TALC) lists & distributes health-related teaching aids in low cost format and often multiple languages for use by providers and patients in developing countries. They also have a CDROM project with extensive information for health workers in developing countries.
- US Census Bureau. See especially their International Programs Center
- US State Department Travel Warnings and Consular Information Sheets provides country information relevant to health, safety, visa and entry requirements, medical facilities, consular contact information, drug penalties, etc.
- Vayu’s Drones Deliver Healthcare in Rural Madagascar is a video highlighting the use of autonomous drones to fly clinical samples a relatively long distance from a remote village to a laboratory as part of an epidemiologic study on intestinal parasites.
- Africare works to improve the quality of life in rural Africa. It provides assistance in five areas: agriculture, water resource development, environmental management, health, and emergency humanitarian aid.
- American Council for Voluntary International Action, a consortium of 150+ non-profit organizations working worldwide in the health, educational, development and related fields, is a source of jobs and volunteer resources. Site includes hotlinks to all its members.
- American Medical Student Association is a prime resource for GH activities, advocacy, resources and field placements.
- American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene provides extensive listing of overseas opportunities at approximately three-year intervals.
- Child Family Health International (CFHI) annually provides service-learning programs in GH for >600 medical, pre-medical, nursing, pharmacy, and alternative health students in Bolivia, Ecuador, India, Mexico and South Africa. Program includes language training in Spanish speaking locations, clinical rotations, and thorough cultural and orientation materials.
- Christian Connections for International Health lists contacts, placement opportunities, information about how to find a placement, and diverse resources. See especially “Job Search” and “Students” sections.
- Christian Medical and Dental Society lists contacts, placement opportunities, information and diverse resources.
- Cross-Cultural Solutions sends >1000 volunteers annually to work in many fields. Short and long-term placements, including for students, are available in Latin America, Africa, Asia and Eastern Europe.
- Doctors without Borders USA is the French-originated organization (MSF) that sends fully qualified health professionals into some of the most challenging regions of the world.
- Global Service Corps provides short or long-term opportunities to volunteer in health, education and environment projects in Kenya, Costa Rica and Thailand.
- HEAL Africa is a Christian organization providing medical services in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (based in Goma)
- Himalayan Health Exchange brings student and graduate healthcare professionals together to provide care to populations in remote areas of the Indo-Tibetan borderlands, India and Nepal.
- InterHealth South America provides an integrated introduction to Ecuadorian and South American primary, community, and public health services for students and residents. It includes structured individual and group clinical and public health field experiences, closely coordinated with formal immersion medical Spanish study.
- International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations combines 68 medical student associations representing students in 50 countries. IFMSA provides information about and facilitates student clinical and research exchanges, and through committees, is involved in medical and public health projects.
- International Health Central American Institute offers clinical clerkships and medical Spanish training programs for residents, medical students, and other health professionals. Programs are primary care based.
- International Medical Corps is a relief organization established by volunteer US physicians and nurses. Home page lists IMC’s programs and job openings for doctors, nurses and others.
- Jamkhed Comprehensive Rural Health Project in India offers rural field training opportunities for students. Lessons learned at Jamkhed have been extended to many other Indian communities.
- MAP International is a Christian relief and development organization that promotes health of people living in the poorest communities.
- Unite for Sight offers many volunteer opportunities and their International Opportunities Manual can be downloaded.
Note: This listing is very incomplete and is limited to Spanish language training.
- Adventure Education Center, (AEC), centered in Costa Rica offers multiple sites for persons wishing to improve their medical Spanish while also providing medical volunteer opportunities in local clinics and hospitals. Classes include medical and nursing Spanish
- Centers for Interamerican Studies (CEDEI), for Spanish immersion programs; Cuenca, Ecuador
- Centro Panamericano de Idiomas (CPI) offers programs in three Costa Rican locations.
- Latin Immersion (Spanish Language Schools in Argentina and Chile) for language training at many different levels, sites and durations
- “¡A su salud!”: Medical Spanish language training course for home study is available on a remarkable interactive DVD-ROM program, “¡A su salud!” For $95.00 you get 2 DVDs, 1 CD-ROM, and Workbook. Contact: Triliteral at 800-405-1619. yalepress.yale.edu/yupbooks/salud/
- Duolingo is a free language-learning app compatible with iPhone, Android, iPad, and on the web. Current courses for English speakers include French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, German, Dutch, Irish, Danish, and Swedish.