Latest Releases
- Press Release: CUGH’s Statement on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
- Press Release: CUGH calls on Congress to Reauthorize PEPFAR- a lifeline for millions of people.
- Press Release: CUGH Calls for Balanced Regulations from the NIH to Safeguard Transparency in Research
- Humanitarian Assistance Urgently Needed to Prevent Additional Deaths in Turkey and Syria: Post-Disaster is a Time of Immense Need for Emergency Supplies
- Press Release: Protect the Public, Pass Gun Safety Regulations
- The Invasion of Ukraine is an Evolving Global Health Crisis; CUGH Calls on Russia to Withdraw its Troops Immediately
- Ban the Poaching of Health Care Workers from Low-Income Countries
- Protect Health Care Workers and Academia from Violence
- Defunding the WHO: An Assault on the World’s Poor
- Defending the Right To Vote Is Defending Public Health – CUGH Releases The National Campaign, “Global Health Votes”
- Blocking Funding to the CDC & NIH: A Clear Threat to American Lives
- US Medical Community: Speak Out & Defend Science and Dr. Fauci
- The US’ Withdrawal from the WHO Will Increase Death Rates and Threatens Global Security
- Congress, Implement Known Solutions to Reduce Long-Standing Racial Disparities in the United States
- The COVID-19 Outbreak: Slashing Global Health Funding & Muzzling Scientists Threatens US Security