The Consortium of Universities for Global Health is run by a secretariat based in Washington, DC.

Keith Martin, MD, PC

Executive Directorexecutivedirector@cugh.org202-974-6363

Dr. Martin is a physician who, since September 2012, has served as the founding Executive Director of the Consortium of Universities for Global Health (CUGH). Between 1993-2011, Dr. Martin served as a Member of Parliament in Canada’s House of Commons. He held portfolios in foreign affairs, health, the environment, defense  and international development. He has been on many diplomatic missions in areas in crisis around the world but particularly across Africa and worked as a physician on the Mozambique border during their civil war. He has spent many years volunteering on conservation efforts in  South Africa and is a member of the Queen’s Privy Council for Canada.

Norma A. Verona

Events & Membership Engagement Managernverona@cugh.org202-974-6291

Norma A. Verona has worked extensively for more than a decade in events, membership and fundraising for globally-oriented, membership-based groups in Washington, DC, including the Institute for International Finance (IIF) and the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC).  She managed and staged major events both here in the United States and abroad. Norma is a native Spanish-speaker who has traveled extensively and is passionate about connecting people through events and programs.

Sarah McKee

Senior Program Officersmckee@cugh.org202-974-2252

Sarah McKee is a global health professional with eight years of experience working in non-profits in roles spanning strategic communications, advocacy, program management, and technical expertise in Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR). Recently returning from a transformative year as a Peace Corps Response Volunteer (PCRV) in Zambia, she successfully established Zambia’s National Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) training program in Kitwe with local Ministry of Education partners under the PEPFAR DREAMS program. Holding a Master’s in Public Health from George Mason University, she serves on the board of Girls Health Ed, a local DC non-profit, championing SRHR initiatives in her community.